Promoting Patriotism

Since his election in 2001, Andrew Rosindell has campaigned consistently to promote patriotism throughout England and the UK.

For many years, he has campaigned to have the Union Jack flown from important public buildings throughout the UK, and in 2010, was successful in his campaign to have the it flown from the Houses of Parliament all year round, not just when Parliament was sitting.

Additionally, he has worked tirelessly to reclaim the Cross of St. George from English nationalists who have done much to associate it solely with racism and hooliganism, and to make St. George’s Day a national holiday in England.

In addition to his work on flags, Andrew has also campaigned for patriotism to be taught in schools.

Regarding his work on patriotism, Andrew has said:

Patriotism is an important force which binds nations together. In modern, diverse Britain, it is important that we have common culture and set of values to which we all adhere.

Flags, national holidays, celebrations of British identity – all of these help to bring people together. We should teach children from a young age just how lucky they are to live in Britain. It is, after all, a wonderful country with a fascinating history and an exciting future. It has survived precisely because of a successful set of tried and tested values, and these must remain at core of everything we do.

Across the world, children are taught to love their countries and to stand shoulder to shoulder under their national flag. In Britain, we seem to only become patriotic at football and rugby games. As important as this is, we need both adults and children to feel part of something magnificent. What people need to understand is that our flag and national anthem give us all - irrespective of background - something to look up to and rally around. It is vitally important for social cohesion in the long term.


Andrew Rosindell commemorates Battle of Britain Day, 15th September 2020

Andrew Rosindell M.P. said: “Eighty years ago, this country stood alone against the forces of evil. Europe had been brought to heel by the monstrous force of Nazism. On this day in 1940, in an enormous national effort, the Luftwaffe met its match as our brave pilots defended these islands.

Celebrating Armed Forces Day

Last weekend I had the honour of joining the 6F Romford Squadron, Royal Air Force Cadets and the Hornchurch and Upminster Sea Cadets to celebrate Armed Forces Day in Romford.

Why I'm Backing Boris for Leader!

The next leader of the Conservative and Unionist Party has two vital duties to perform: to leave the European Union properly and then, to beat Jeremy Corbyn in a subsequent General Election. It is my sincere belief that Boris Johnson is the best person for the job.

Armed Forces Day 2018

Today I took part in an armed forces parade in Romford to support the troops whose courage and hard work keeps us all safe. During the day, I had the honour of meeting veterans who have served their country for years, and the pleasure of speaking to young cadets of the various Armed Forces.