Andrew Rosindell M.P. for Romford will be voting against Clause 184 (Amendment 94 in the name of Baroness Sugg) of the Health and Social Care Bill, Baroness Sugg’s Amendment to continue the use of ‘at-home abortion pills’ on Wednesday 30th March 2022 in the House of Commons.
All human life is precious and should be protected, therefore I cannot support this Amendment on both moral grounds and the physical impacts it has on women and girls.
Abortion is a serious decision that should be carefully thought through, it is a decision that should not be taken lightly and the continuation of D.I.Y. abortions encourage the needless loss of human life.
A late-night, last-minute amendment in the House of Lords overturning the recent Department for Health and Social Care’s decision to end the temporary ‘at-home’ abortion provision is a poor way to make permanent the largest change to abortion law since 1967, especially as there was no prior scrutiny in earlier stages of the Bill.
You can read below Andrew's letter to The Rt. Hon. Sajid Javid M.P. regarding D.I.Y. abortions using at-home pills...