Today, school children from Romford were treated to a tour of the Houses of Parliament, and a Question & Answer session with local M.P., Andrew Rosindell.
Those in attendance were either representatives of the Marshalls Park School Council, or the school’s ‘Turquoise Party’, the latter of which had just won a mock election which had taken place at the school on the 8th of May, the prize for which was a tour of Parliament. The election had been run on a non-political basis, with students campaigning on school-specific issues, such as the potential building of a swimming pool.
On their visit to Westminster, students were showed around all the important parts of the Palace of Westminster complex, including Westminster Hall, St Stephen’s Hall, Central Lobby, the House of Lords and the House of Commons, and finished their tour with a look out on the famous Terrace.
Following their tour, the students were able to ask Andrew about his day-to-day work in Westminster, as well as his political positions on a variety of issues, such as Britain’s membership of the EU, and Department of Health policy.
Following their visit, Andrew said:
"It’s great to know that Marshalls Park are doing such a lot to teach their students about politics and the democratic process. Congratulations must go out to both the students elected to the School Council, and the representatives of the Turquoise Party for winning the chance to visit Westminster. I was very impressed by the quality of the questions the students asked, and the knowledge they all displayed. Perhaps one day we’ll see some of these students become MPs themselves!”