Havering has had Enough!
"The ULEZ expansion is devastating for our Borough. It will stop people from using their cars for shopping, days out and visiting friends and family. Today more than ever people are struggling to make ends meet, but will now have to either buy a new car or fork out £12.50 each time they drive! This is so wrong and actually very cruel to older people, young families and the poorest in our community who will be affected the most. Businesses too will suffer. Having to change their vehicles is the last thing hard working traders need right now. it will also deter shoppers from coming to Romlord if they live outside the ULEZ zone.
In 1998, Havering voted against having a Mayor or London with so much power over us. We ran our attairs just fine after the abolition of the G.L.C. by Margaret Thatcher, but Tony Blair ignored our views and brought this additional tier of government back, by creating the G.L.A. Mayor Khan has never shown any interest in Havering, yet we pay a huge amount through our council tax to him, for little benefit. He takes no account of the damage his policies have on the lives of local people. Romford, Hornchurch, Upminster and Rainham are not inner London, we are in truth still very much part of Essex in culture, history and geography and we don't want policies suited to inner London imposed on us. Havering is a town and country borough and Khan's policies have no legitimacy here.
Havering says NO to his plans to impose ULEZ; No to his 'London Plan' imposing concrete jungle style homes in Romford - we are tired of never getting the police cover we need, as resourses are always sent to central London and we are furious at the Mayor's woke agenda, trashing our proud history and British traditions. Havering has had enough of Mayor Khan! We need urgent reform to restore powers back to our town hall and give local people the rignt to determine what works best for their boroughs, towns and villages. Mayor Khan insults those who oppose him, yet does nothing to tackle the violence on our streets, as we have seen recently with stabbings in South Street and Ardleigh Green.
It is time for radical reform to allow boroughs like Havering to take back control of our affairs and decide our own priorities, based on local needs. In the meantime, I have called upon the prime minister to intervene to STOP ULEZ."