Our Freedom is Under Attack!
"The British people have never backed away from a fight when our freedom and way of life is threatened. Our magnificent Armed Forces are a testimony to that. Without generations of British men and women who have sacrificed so much by serving in the British Army, Royal Navy and Royal Airforce, the United Kingdom would not be the great nation we are today. That is why this weekend, we pay tribute to all our servicemen, past and present, including both my grandfathers, who fought in the Army during First World War and my father, who was an RAF pilot in Second World War. It is previous generations that have given us so much and today, it is our duty to defend and protect what they have handed down to us.
We may not be fighting a war at the moment, but I fear that once again, our freedom is under attack and we must prepare to fight back! This time, it is an ‘enemy within’ that seems to want to undermine the way of life we have always cherished. This woke, far-left, ideology seeks to divide the British people into categories; trash our proud traditions and history; capitulate to mass immigration; pursue an extreme environmentalist agenda; tie us down with bureaucracy, never ending process and box ticking; cancel free speech; impose more and more taxes on us such as ULEZ; and even redefine human biology itself; whilst at the same time, brain wash future generations into hating the very nation that has given them everything.
None of these things represent the best interests of our people, but Mayor Khan and Sir Keir Starmer are determined to drive Britain in this direction. I will fight them all the way. I will speak my mind, as I always have done. It is what I promised the people of Romford I would always do when they elected me as their M.P. twenty-two years ago exactly.
As Romford’s M.P., I will always be on the side of the hard working, law abiding, patriotic people of Havering who do not accept that everything has to change or be re-defined and whatever has gone before should be discarded for this new ideology. As we recall the wonderful celebrations for the Coronation of King Charles III last month, let us show the true British spirit in defending all that Britain is and everything we hold dear, so that we are able to hand down to the next generation a nation of which we can be truly proud of, just as our forebears have done before."