Freedom is a precious thing. It is what gives birth to democracy, the rule of law, the ability to speak our minds, associate with whom we choose and speak our native language.
Not for many decades has the value of freedom been clearer than during this current pandemic, when basic freedoms taken for granted for so long have been taken away.
Today, the 26th June, as we look forward to a further few weeks with restricted freedoms, let us take a moment to remember why we have any freedoms at all.
It is because of the many brave men and women who served, fought and even died for their Sovereign, flag and country. Whether on the fields near Waterloo, above the skies of London, on the beaches of Normandy, or in the Afghan countryside, our courageous armed forces have always been willing to place their bodies in harms way to defeat the many enemies that our great nation has faced and defeated over the centuries.
Today our armed forces are busy working around the world, delivering aid, tackling drug smugglers, providing security and fighting terrorism. They do this not for the money – army salaries are not high, certainly not high enough. They do this because they love this country and cherish its freedoms and liberty. They do this because no one else will and without them, the world would be a more dangerous place for the U.K.
To all those that serve, have served and will serve we say: thank you.