Ukraine is an independent sovereign democracy, which has dared to defy the Kremlin and choose its own path, running counter to the dictatorial reach of President Putin and his bullies.
Now they are suffering for their courage!
This is an attack on us all, on our Western values and on democracy and on international law.
The free world must come together in defiance, just as we did against the Soviet Union before.
The Kremlin seeks to weaken and divide us, it is for western democracies to unite in defence of freedom.
I wholeheartedly endorse the Prime Minister in his statement on Thursday.
I welcome the far-reaching sanctions being imposed immediately, in conjunction with our N.A.T.O. allies, and we must collectively reduce our reliance on Russia, especially for energy.
There should be an embargo on Russian oil and gas. Russia is funding the war through its energy exports – and an embargo this will, I hope force President Putin to rethink.
Similarly, I am pleased that the Government is sanctioning Belarus for its role in facilitating the invasion, as well as also being an undemocratic and untrustworthy nation under the rule of President Lukashenko.
On the other side of the world, China is watching and waiting.
The Chinese Communist Party will use the reaction of the West to gauge our resolve over Taiwan and we have already seen incursions into Taiwan’s air defence zone from the Chinese Air Force.
They are clearly now coordinating their actions with Russia.
If we do not show serious resolve and respond in the strongest possible terms, this will encourage China’s designs in Taiwan.
I know the Ukrainian people will never submit to tyranny.
It is now our duty, as firm defenders of freedom, to immediately provide the Ukrainian military with advanced defensive weaponry systems and show our unequivocal support so that they can defend themselves against this regime.
The vast majority of the Russian people disapprove of the tyrannical actions of President Putin and I must reiterate that there is a distinction between our friends in Russia, many of whom we share common values with, and the anti-democratic dictator that is Vladimir Putin.
The U.K. will stand on the side of freedom, with the people of Ukraine.